iPhone Error

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Screen Representing iPhone Error 4013 that occured on an Apple iMac

iPhone Error 4013 – How To Fix in 8 Ways

Everyone dreads an unexpected error on their iPhone. Among the most perturbing is the infamous iPhone error 4013, which can stall your device restoration...
iPhone stuck in Recovery Mode? 5 solutions that work!

iPhone Stuck in Recovery Mode – 5 Solutions that work!

Is your iPhone stuck in Recovery Mode? Is it not responding to any of your efforts to make it work normally again? If the...
Difference between recovery mode, dfu mode and boot loop

iPhone in Recovery Mode, DFU Mode OR Boot Loop – Difference

Want to know the difference between Recovery Mode, DFU Mode and Boot Loop? Curious about what these are and how they are caused? You...
Download RecBoot

Download RecBoot for Mac and Windows

Want to download RecBoot? Then you are either in a hurry or in serious trouble with your iOS device. RecBoot is a free software...
iPhone 12 in Recovery Mode

How to FIX an iPhone 4S Stuck in Recovery Mode Loop

Got an iPhone 4S Stuck in Recovery mode or Recovery Mode loop ? No problem if this is your situation then here you'll find...
soft reset iPhone 5s apps crashing

How to Fix Apps Crashing on iOS 8

Most of us would have already faced this recurring problem, we try opening the app and it goes "crash". There are a number of...
iPhone 6 plus

The Most Annoying iOS 8.1.2 Bugs that Demand Immediate Attention

The iPhone 6 is indeed a big improvement compared to its predecessors and its sharing and communications features are a massive improvement. The device...
restore iCloud contacts to iPhone

How to Restore iCloud Contacts to iPhone and iPad

A lot of people use iCloud to back up their contacts hoping that iCloud lets you bring back your contacts to your new iPhone...
iTunes error 3194

iTunes Error 3194, iPhone Could not be Restored (on Windows,Mac OS)- How to Fix?

How to fix iTunes error 3194, iPhone could not be restored (For Windows and Mac OS) It's always a nightmare when Apple's Official Tools start showing...

iPhone Not Sending Picture Messages (iMessage/MMS) : Fix

"Picture says it all" - It's quite frustrating when you tries to send a Picture Messages to your friends/family from iPhone 5S and it...

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