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Download Cydia Impactor for Windows PC and Mac
Want to download Cydia Impactor? You are in the right place. On this page you can download Cydia Impactor for Windows, macOS, Linux 32-bit...
How to Add New Repos to Cydia after iPhone Jailbreak
One of the major concerns among new users of Cydia is how to add new repos and sources to Cydia. This is an essential...
How to Install OpenSSH on iPhone/iPod without Cydia
This is an exclusive guide for those who wants to know How to Install OpenSSH on iPhone iPad or iPod touch without Cydia Installer....
How to Jailbreak iOS 11 to iOS 12.1.2 using Unc0ver
The latest unc0ver jailbreak (beta 46) can jailbreak and install Cydia on all iPhones and iPads that are running iOS 11 to iOS 12.1.2 and that use a Pre A12 SoC
How to Install Prenesi Cydia Tweak to iPhone & iPad
Many multi-purpose apps like Universal Video Downloader can download videos from almost any app on your iPhone & iPad, but with their sloppy User...
Download Facebook Video on iPhone & iPad using Prenesi
You can now download Facebook videos directly on your iPhone, iPad or iPod using the jailbreak tweak "Prenesi" which is available on Cydia for free....
10 Best Cydia Tweaks iOS 8 Outside Default Cydia Repos
Most jailbreakers do not seem to notice the fact that, not all Cydia tweaks out there are available directly from Cydia's default repos.This is...
How to Remove Pangu icon after iOS 8.1 Jailbreak
Those who have jailbroken their iOS 8.1 device earlier should have noticed that they have a new Pangu app on their home screen. This...
Tips on Jailbreaking iPhones and iPads – Jailbreak iPhone 6 plus
Users ask us how to jailbreak their iOS device, all the time. Most of the time these are first time jailbreaking probably trying to...
Top 5 Best Cydia Tweaks for iOS 8.1.2 TaiG jailbreak
The latest iOS version, that is iOS 8.1.3, kills the TaiG Jailbreak used for jailbreaking iOS 8.1.2. This is well known to all jailbreakers...