Apple seems to have many surprising features hidden in its iOS 8 devices, especially iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus, which are indeed being explored by jailbreaking geeks and developers to satisfy their quest. Many developers around the world wait to discover the untapped potentials of software Apple uses in its gadgets. One such application is its battery usage and a discerning iOS developer Hamza Sood has explored this menu and has developed a tweak that helps people make the best use of the device’s battery.
The Hidden battery usage menu on the iOS 8 device could be manipulated to offer extreme battery life for hungry and advanced power users and this has been rightly manipulated by Hamza Sood, known pretty well for his innate ability in discovering hidden menus in the iOS. The tweak he has discovered for battery usage has been named as ‘DetailedBatteryUsage’ and this helps users to unlock the battery usage that Apple’s internal development team uses during the development of the device, to trouble shoot issues, to test applications etc.
DetailedBatteryUsage Tweak:
Apple is known to offer complex battery usage menus just like Android in its development stage, but the Cydia Tweak termed “DetailedBatteryUsage” helps in unlocking the hidden menu showing all the various apps, themes and functions that are using up the battery. The tweak offers more details for the user on battery usage than the standard menu that could be found from Settings –> General –> Usage –> Battery usage. Users could get this tweak at present from Cydia for free. It may be required though to jailbreak the device before using this Cydia tweak.
Unlocking DetailedBatteryUsage menu in Apple iOS 8 device:
In order to proceed with unlocking the detailed battery usage menu, the first step is to jailbreak the iOS device and install the Cydia app on your device. Then install DetailedBatteryUsage tweak from Cydia.

After installation of the tweak, users have to proceed to the settings menu and then click on the “General” icon.From there, proceed to “Usage” and “Battery usage” to learn details on the split of battery usage. It would be amazing to find that this menu on hidden battery utility has a graphical representation on battery usage and offers a more detailed split on battery consumption compared with the basic battery menu. The app allows users to learn in detail on the power consumption of easy app, they only have to tap on the app to view its battery usage in detail.
Such an application may not be of much use for normal users, but for those hungry users who are keen on battery life, this tweak works wonders, as it offers super detailed look on battery life along with graphs. It is possible to access information on various system daemons that are running, which may not be available for every day user. Details on this daemon could offer more information for the user on how the iPhone performs with regards to battery life. Thus this Cydia tweak could be used to learn where battery is spent most and save battery life further in iOS 8 device. At the end of the day, this a useful free cydia tweak. So, do try it for sure.